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Cosmetic surgery eye bag removal

Blepharoplasty happens to be one of the most famous cosmetic surgery eye bag removal techniques. Eyelid surgery is a process which is used to remove fat which is usually present with excess muscle and skin on the lower and upper eyelids. This surgery helps in lifting the baggy upper lids which, in turn, reduces the puffiness of eye bags that are generally seen below the eyes. The procedure of blepharoplasty can be operated alone or in combination with other kinds of plastic surgeries related with face like facelift.

Eye bag removal surgery process

In case of upper eyelids, an incision is done in the natural fold line that is present just 1 cm higher than eyelashes. These incisions may extend up to crow’s feet or even laughter lines which occur at the outer curves of the eyes. During this process of making incisions, your surgeon separates the skin and muscle from the subcutaneous sheets and removes excessive fat and also trims the baggy skin and muscles. The incisions are then closed by using very minute stitches.

In case of lower eyelids, an incision is done below the eyelashes which extend to around 1 cm outwards up to the region of crow’s feet followed by lifting of the skin upwards and to the exterior, mildly straining the region and finally overlapping the skin that has been removed. The incisions so made are then closed by using thin sutures.

Duration of the surgery

The complete procedure of cosmetic surgery eye bag removal takes around 1.5-3 hours to get completed. During the surgery a general anesthetic is required and it also involves an overnight reside at the hospital. In some cases, though, it is just a 1-day procedure if it includes the fixation of upper eyelids only.

What one can expect from blepharoplasty

You should have the full information about the surgery before you go for it so that you have an idea about what changes you may achieve once it is done. This surgery brings with it a number of positive effects which not only makes you look good but also generates self-confidence in you. Blepharoplasty has a refreshing effect on eyes and you may feel that your eyes are more relaxed than before. Revival period of blepharoplasty

Processes that occur in revival period

Soon after this surgery, the surgeon may apply some ointment on your eyes and cover it with a bandage so as to lubricate the eyes. In first two weeks, you may experience feelings of swelling and bruising, although, the major portion of swelling generally collapses after the first ten days. Eyelids can experience dryness for which eye drops can be taken in use. Stitches, if any, can be removed just after 5 days or so. Some scars may form which gradually get healed on their own.

Revival time

Recovery period differs from one individual to another and it is highly advisable that the patient should take great care in the first week after the surgery has been done. Sometimes the revival period is just a week or 10 days and sometimes more than that. It is also advised to avoid work that causes strain to your eyes for around 3 weeks.

Sumber : helpfulhealthtips.com

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